- E-commerce store. Site administrators are able to create detailed store products that users are able to buy after purchasing virtual credits through PayPal. These products run specific game-server commands when activated. Also supports monthly subscriptions.
- Comprehensive admin dashboard with user ACL. Allows creation of roles that restrict access to certain parts of the dashboard.
- Discord and Steam linking system. User accounts are created on Steam login, and product purchases are blocked until the user verifies their Steam, Discord accounts, and joins the Steam group. This is done to preserve community integrity from bad actors.
- Devblog and changelog systems. Allows site administrators to write detailed posts and announce them to the community.
- Discord bot integration. Allows site administrators to send announcements, changelogs, polls, embeds, and verify new user roles, all from the web dashboard.
- Game server integration. Allows site administrators to register Rust game-servers with the website, tracking their status and allowing remote administration through RCON web console.
- Global ban system. Allows site administrators to place bans on user accounts. Exposes an HTTP REST API allowing the game-servers to deny access based on whether the user is banned.
- Report system. Allows players to submit reports against players for cheating, exploiting, etc., and allows site administrators to review those reports.
- Server manager integration. Integration with custom-built UKN Server Manager software to bulk-interface directly with Rust servers running alongside the software instance, for easier management, automatic server updates, and deployment.
- Server application system. Allows users to submit applications to become server staff, etc. Applications are fully customizable in a Google Forms-style format on the admin dashboard.
- Finances/revenue tracking. Allows site administrators to view revenue graphs from the e-commerce portion of the platform.
UKN Platform
Backend platform built for a Rust server network implementing e-commerce store generating $200k+ in revenue, 100k+ users, ACL, Discord bot, blog/page CMS, deep Rust game-server integration, staff applications, and much more.

Development StartedNovember 2019
Development FinishedMay 2021
Hours Invested~200
Technologies UsedNode.JS, Vue, MySQL, Redis, SCSS, Socket.IO

Home PageHome page showing real-time game-server status information

Product Creation Page

Permission SystemAccess-control system allowing creation of roles and permissions assigned to them.

Platform APIDocumentation for the platform's internal API service.

Platform Settings

Server StatusPage showing added servers and a live-updating status readout for them.

Bans SystemAdmin dashboard page where admins can ban users.

Revenue PageUsually shows some graphs. Minimal data in the testing environment.

Routine CreationPage to define custom routines that can be executed on game servers automatically.
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